Friday, February 5, 2010

Snow days

It is snowing in Richmond today...again. I have only taught one day of school this week, and on that day we had a two hour delay so my classes were only 35 minutes.

I have gotten to do a lot of reading, a lot of relaxing, and a lot of bonding with my house mates. At this point though I am tired of having free time and I want to get back to work. When they cancel school they also cancel after school tutoring, so we have also had a severe lack of kids in the house. I did however play a few games of chess with an 8th grader named James in my chess class. He lives a block away and stopped by yesterday.

Below is a picture of the hot air balloon I made a week or two ago. Unfortunately on its maiden flight it caught fire and ended in a small pile of ash. It was a little embarrassing because I had invited James, Pam, and Lavelle (kids down the street that come to tutoring) to watch.